What Is a Startup Valuation?

What Is a Startup Valuation?

With all the talk we’ve had about IPOs, that inevitably leads to the question of how these companies can deem themselves valuable, particularly down to an exact numerical amount. That being said, it’s hard not to wonder how IPO valuations aren’t just a shot in the...
Why You Should Care About IPOs

Why You Should Care About IPOs

Before, we talked about unicorn startups and how they’ve recently gained popularity. Although we can’t quite tell yet if unicorns will become commonplace, there has certainly been an uptick in their occurrence over the years which begs the question: will companies in...
How Startups are Funded

How Startups are Funded

Have you ever wondered how the companies we all know came to be? They all had to start somewhere, most of the time with the help of external investors. If you’re anything like me, the concept of a company before reaching the stock market may perplex you. What...
Will Camels Replace Unicorns?

Will Camels Replace Unicorns?

I bet you thought that unicorns don’t exist. Well, the kind that we envision as a horse-like creature with a horn attached to their noggin still don’t exist, but what they represent do. The magical, ethereal, seemingly impossible idea of a unicorn has been adopted and...
How Startups Can Survive Recession

How Startups Can Survive Recession

As we all know, prices are rising. With the Fed relentlessly hiking interest rates, the general economy has been struggling despite few areas. This matters because the Fed funds rate is “the interest rate depository institutions charge each other for overnight...
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