The world is complicated. To live, everyone has to trust strangers. You have to trust that the crew that built the building you work in did it to code so it will be safe for decades. You must trust the suspension bridge will stand up to the weight of your Subaru – and the tractor trailer behind you. Laboratories, factories, powerplants: even daycares, all of them have to trust the employees that power our cities, build our infrastructure and care for our families.
How do we help them do a good job?
State, federal, and local government have codes. Be they local building codes, state health inspection rules, or federal emissions, guidance compliance is how American society makes sure that no one mistake creates a tragedy. It works so well that we are astonished when products are recalled, food is spoiled or when buildings collapse.
Zuptu, a new product from Isocapt, is the solution to make rare lapses in the compliance system rarer. It takes dedicated professionals to make sure procedures and policies are in place. It takes hours of organization to keep employees up-to-date on the latest guidance. .
Zuptu makes all that easier. With training, tracking, and certification all in one solution, Zuptu can make sure the right employee gets the right training in the right timeframe. When an employee selects a material to frame a wall or inspects a component in a machine we can all be more confident that selection and inspection was conducted by a fully trained and certified employee. The rules that keep us safe only work when we follow them.
“Zuptu completes the circle for your compliance needs,” said Georgi Ivanov, vice president of Isocapt. “Training, tracking, retention, reports… and much more. Imagine managing your team’s projects and simultaneously, auto-indexing all documents in a compliant cloud storage. The future in the compliance world is here and it’s called Zuptu!”
With Zuptu – every company can make sure each employee has read the rules, takes a test to ensure they understood the rules, and documents they’ve been educated whenever those rules may change.